mkdir kube_certs
openssl req -nodes -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout kube_certs/key.pem -out kube_certs/cert.pem -subj "/CN=kubernetes-dashboard"
microk8s.kubectl --namespace kube-system delete secret/kubernetes-dashboard-certs
microk8s.kubectl --namespace kube-system create secret generic kubernetes-dashboard-certs --from-file=./kube_certs
# Verify certs are loaded then clean up local artifacts
microk8s.kubectl --namespace kube-system describe secret/kubernetes-dashboard-certs
rm -rf kube_certs
Access Microk8s Kubernetes Dashboard
For Microk8s versions later than 1.18, follow the instructions under Dashboard Proxy.
The dashboard proxy needs to be enabled on microk8s to allow access. |
Dashboard Proxy
Create self signed kubernetes dashboard certificates
Connecting to Microk8s running locally
Start the kubernetes dashboard-proxy. Retrieve the token displayed on the terminal
microk8s.dashboard-proxy Checking if Dashboard is running. Dashboard will be available at Use the following token to log in: <Dashboard Access Token>
Follow the above instructions and browse here:
On the
Kubernetes Dashboard
screen, selectToken
and enter the access token listed above. -
Sign in
Connecting to Microk8s running remotely
If the microk8s instance is running in a remote server, start a kubectl proxy on your local server with the admin kubernetes config.
kubectl proxy
Access the proxy log in here: http://localhost:8001/api/v1/namespaces/kube-system/services/https:kubernetes-dashboard:/proxy/#/login
Browse to the Kubernetes dashboard here:
On the
Kubernetes Dashboard
screen, selectToken
and enter it. -
Sign in
API Authentication (Microk8s versions 1.18 and earlier only)
If you are running microk8s versions 1.18 or earlier, you can access the dashboard directly via log in through the API:
Retrieve the Kubernetes
credentials:grep -E "username|password" ~/.kube/config
Retrieve the Kubernetes token. Store the token name in a variable, then print token:
token="$(microk8s.kubectl -n kube-system get secret | \ grep default-token | \ cut -d " " -f1)" && microk8s.kubectl -n kube-system describe secret "${token}" | grep "token:"
Browse to the Kubernetes dashboard with the following URL (same
used to access SD Elements). Log in with the admin credentials.https://<IP_or_hostname>:16443/api/v1/namespaces/kube-system/services/https:kubernetes-dashboard:/proxy/#/login
Enter the
username and password to log in when prompted. -
On the
Kubernetes Dashboard
screen, selectToken
and enter the token you saved earlier. -
Sign in