ThoughtWorks Mingle

Technical requirements

The following requirements must be met to integrate Mingle with SD Elements.

  • Basic authentication must be enabled for Mingle.

  • A service user account is required to connect to Mingle.

    • The service account must have permission to create issues and update issue status in each target project

Default assigned fields

The following fields are set by default:

  • Name

  • Description


The integration supports the following:

  • Two-way status synchronization

Connection details

Enter the connection details for the server.


The method to connect with the server (Default: HTTPS)


The domain name or IP address of the server

Context Root

Normally left empty unless the service is installed at a non-standard location


Enter the credentials needed to authenticate to the server.


Username authorized to connect with the server and having permission to create issues in anticipated Mingle projects.


The password used to authenticate to the server

Project details

Enter the project-level details.

Mingle Identifier

The name of the project where issues should be created.

Advanced Mingle configuration

Card Type

(Default: Story)

Open a story in Mingle with the following status

(Default: New)

States which map to DONE in SD Elements:

(Default: Complete)


Enter settings for synchronizing SD Elements tasks.

Authoritative Source

Select the tool that will be the authoritative system of record: Mingle or SD Elements. This field is used in case of conflicting statuses between the Mingle issue and the SD Elements task. When you first synchronize a TODO task in SD Elements with an issue in Mingle, they will have the same status. If you then change the status in one tool, for example by closing the issue in Mingle, they will have conflicting statuses. This conflict is resolved when the projects are synchronized. There are three options:

  • ALM (default): The SD Elements task will be updated to match the status in Mingle. This is relevant to most workflows.

  • SD Elements: The Mingle status will be updated to match the SD Elements status.

Include code sample How-To’s in task descriptions

Indication whether code samples are copied to Mingle

Tasks to synchronize

Select which SD Elements tasks to synchronize.

Tasks having a minimum priority

Filter tasks based on their priority (Default: 7)

Tasks with status

Filter tasks based on their status (Default: TODO)

Tasks having phase

Filter tasks based on their phase (Default: Requirements, Architecture & Design, Development)

Tasks having all of the following tags (optional)

Filter tasks having certain tags

Tasks with verification status

Filter tasks based on their verification status (Default: None, Partial Pass, Pass, Fail)

Advanced ALM options

Enter advanced configuration options.

Alm context

Bind a set of tasks using a cetain value. This is applicable only when custom titles are selected having the entry 'Context'

results matching ""

    No results matching ""