
Technical requirements

The following requirements must be met to integrate VersionOne with SD Elements.

  • An API Token must be provisioned for a VersionOne account

  • The account must have permission to create issues and update issue status in a connected project

Default assigned fields

The following fields are set by default:

  • Name

  • Description

  • Priority


The integration supports the following:

Connection details

Enter the connection details for the server.


Select the protocol for the connection (HTTPS or HTTP) (Default: HTTPS)


The domain name or IP address of the server

Context Root

Top-level location where VersionOne is installed on a server. The value for this may be dependent on the configuration of an internal corporate proxy or where an administrator has installed VersionOne.


Enter the token needed to authenticate to the server.

VersionOne Token

API Token generated within the user profile page. The associated user should have permission to create issues in a project and update their status.

Tasks to Synchronize

Select tasks to synchronize.

Sync all tasks

Synchronize all tasks from SD Elements.

Sync Risk Policy tasks

Synchronize only tasks that fall under the risk policy.

Project details

Enter the project-level details.

VersionOne Project

This is the URL hyperlink of the versionOne project. On the Edit project page, copy the project Share link and paste the copied URL.

Advanced VersionOne configuration

Enter advanced configuration options.

Issue Type

Type of issue that SD Elements will create when creating a task in VersionOne. (Default: Story)

Open a story in VersionOne with the following status

Status to assign to new issues (Default: Future)

States that map to DONE in SD Elements

Comma-separated list of states in VersionOne that are mapped to DONE in SD Elements. (Default: Done,Accepted)

Reopen a work item in VersionOne with the following status

Status to use to reopen closed issues (Default: Future)


Enter settings for synchronizing SD Elements tasks.

Authoritative Source

Select the tool that will be the authoritative system of record: VersionOne or SD Elements. This field is used in case of conflicting statuses between the Github issue and the SD Elements task. When you first synchronize a TODO task in SD Elements with an issue in VersionOne, they will have the same status. If you then change the status in one tool, for example by closing the issue in VersionOne, they will have conflicting statuses. This conflict is resolved when the projects are synchronized. There are two options:

  • Issue Tracker (default): The SD Elements task will be updated to match the status in VersionOne. This is relevant to most workflows.

  • SD Elements: The VersionOne status will be updated to match the SD Elements status.

Include code sample How-To’s in task descriptions

Whether or not to include detailed code samples and How-Tos in the VersionOne issue.

This Issue Tracker server is hosted within a private network and cannot be reached directly by SD Elements.

Select this option if SD Elements does not have direct network access to the VersionOne server.

For example, if you are using a hosted SD Elements instance but you want to integrate with an internal/protected VersionOne system, choose this option and run the Remote Integration Agent to perform integration.

Filter tasks

Select SD Elements tasks to synchronize with the VersionOne project.

Tasks having a minimum priority

Only synchronize tasks with a minimum priority, such as 7 or above. This is useful if you want to limit the amount of work for users. (Default: 1)

Tasks with status meaning

Only synchronize tasks with certain statuses, such as TODO or DONE. (Default: TODO)

Limit to tasks having these phases

Only synchronize tasks in certain phases, such as Requirements or Development. (Default: none selected, meaning tasks from all phases will be synchronized)

Tasks having all of the following tags

Only synchronize tasks containing certain SD Elements task tags. (Optional)

Tasks with verification status

Only synchronize tasks with a specific verification status, such as Pass or Fail. (Default: none selected, meaning tasks with any verification status will be synchronized)

Advanced Issue Tracker options

Enter advanced configuration options.

Issue Tracker context

Bind a set of tasks using a cetain value. This is applicable only when custom titles are selected having the entry "Context"

Custom Priority Mapping

If the standard VersionOne priorities have been customized, you must map the customized priority names in VersionOne to their corresponding SD Elements numeric priorities.

This is a common option that will need to be set.

For example, map "High" issues to priority 7-10 in SD Elements, "Medium" to priorities 4-6, and so on.

Custom Fields Mapping

In addition to the default-assigned fields, you can map additional SD Elements fields to VersionOne fields.

Fields that are not required or have default values do not need to be set.

For example, you may have a required field in your VersionOne project that is not set by default. Custom field mappings can be set at both the system connection and project connection levels, and that mappings set in a project connection will override mappings set in the system connection.

For more details refer to section Advanced field support.

Sync frequency

Select how frequently the SD Elements and VersionOne projects are synchronized. You can choose from the following options. The more frequently you run synchronization, the greater the performance impact on both the SD Elements and VersionOne servers. This is generally only a concern for large organizations running many synchronizations at once.

Hourly, Daily, Weekly, or Monthly

The projects will synchronize automatically every hour, day, week or month. Daily synchronization is typically sufficient. However, you may want to select a more frequent interval if development moves quickly in your organization.


You must click the Sync button on the Issue Tracker Integrations page in order to synchronize the projects. This is the default value.

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