Tenable Nessus

Tenable Nessus integration is currently scoped to integrate CIS AWS Benchmark Compliance Checks into SD Elements to mark the verification status of its security requirements. A compliance check is a type of audit on a given system that checks to see whether that system is following security policies that are applied to it.

Supported methods

The integration supports the following:

  • File Upload: The supported file format is the .nessus file type or ZIP (compressed .nessus).

  • Remote Connection: Download scan results using Nessus services. Configuration options are detailed below.


Connection details

Enter the connection details for the server.


Select the protocol for the connection (HTTPS or HTTP) (Default: HTTPS)


The domain name or IP address of the server, such as nessus.server.com.

Context Root

Top-level location where Nessus is installed on a server. The value for this may be dependent on the configuration of an internal corporate proxy or where an administrator has installed Nessus.


Enter the credentials needed to authenticate to the server. The account created on Nessus should be able to download scan results for any anticipated project.


The Nessus Access Key and Secret Key associated with the account will be used as your login credentials from within SD Elements.


Enter details about connecting to the server.

This server is not accessible from the SD Elements server

Select this option if SD Elements does not have direct network access to the server.

Advanced options

Enter advanced configuration options.

Bypass server certificate validation for HTTPS (insecure, only for testing purposes)

Check this option if you need to test a connection without the proper SSL/TLS certificates.

Sync frequency

Select how frequently SD Elements should retrieve scan results from the server. You can choose from the following options. The more frequently you run an import, the greater the performance impact on both SD Elements and the server. This is generally only a concern for large organizations running many imports at once.

Hourly, Daily, Weekly, or Monthly

The projects will import scan results automatically every hour, day, week, or month. Daily import is typically sufficient. However, you may want to select a more frequent interval if development moves quickly in your organization.


You must click the Import button on the Verification Integrations page to import the results. This is the default value.

Project details

Enter the information required to import scan results from a Nessus application.

Application Name

The name of the Application.

Team Name

The team name associated to the application.

results matching ""

    No results matching ""