Business units
A business unit models an organization or business division. Applications tracked in SD Elements are attributed to a single business unit. Accordingly, users who need to work on an application must also be members of its business unit.
Business unit details
A business unit has the following information:
Name: The name of the business unit, such as "Finance", "Consumer", and so on.
Default Risk Policy: The risk policy applied to new projects by default.
Select Users or Groups: This indicates that the business unit only includes the users and groups identified in its Member List.
All Users: This indicates that all users in the system are members of the business unit.
Releases Behaviour: This indicates whether or not incomplete tasks are copied to new releases.
Activating this option ensures that incomplete tasks, including their notes and Issue Tracker sync details, are always included in a project’s release.
Details are only copied at the time of making a new release.
Member List: The list of members (users and groups) who should have access to all applications and projects in the business unit. Each member is assigned an optional access and role:
Default Access: The user or group should be given access to projects created in the business unit.
Project Role: Assign the user or group this project role if Default Access is set.
Create a business unit
To create a business unit follow the steps below.
The user has the permission Administration→Create a business unit.
From the main menu, select Business Units → More….
Click the plus [add circle] button. A dialog opens.
Enter the details outlined above.
Click Create.
After a business unit is created, new applications can be created within it, or existing applications can be moved to it.
Edit a business unit
To update a business unit follow the steps below.
The user has the permission Administration→Create a business unit.
From the main menu, select Business Units → More….
Use search if you need to find the business unit.
Hover over its row on the far right, and click the pencil icon, Edit Business Unit. A dialog opens.
Update the business unit’s details as outlined above.
Click Done.
Updating a user’s Default Access in a business unit’s Member List only takes effect for new projects. All other changes are immediate.
Delete a business unit
To delete a business unit follow the steps below.
Deleting a business unit removes all of its applications and projects. |
The user has the permission Administration→Delete a business unit.
From the main menu, select Business Units → More….
Use search if you need to find the business unit.
Hover over its row on the far right, and click the trash can icon, Delete Business Unit. A dialog opens.
Confirm that you understand the entire business and its applications will be removed.
Click Delete.
All of the business unit’s applications and projects are removed after deleting a business unit.
Change the default risk policy
Set the default risk policy for new projects in a business unit using the steps below.
Users require the permission Global Roles → Administration → Create a business unit.
From the main menu, select Business Units → More….
On the right of the business unit whose policy you want to change, select Edit Business Unit.
Select a risk policy from the Default Risk Policy dropdown menu.
Click Done.
New projects created in the business unit will be assigned the selected risk policy.
Generate a Business Unit License Usage Report
Determine how many licenses you have used in a given period.
Users require the permission Global Roles → Administration → Create a business unit.
From the main menu, select Business Units → More….
Click on the Organization Wide Reports icon on the right side.
Click on "License Usage Report" and select the Date Range.
NoteSelect the Date Range This Year to determine current usage, or create a custom report using the date of your your annual license renewal. -
Click on Download.
Your report is now generated.