Account profile

Users can update their profile information, personalize their notification settings, track their training progress, and manage their API access.

Update profile information

Users can update their contact information by following the steps below.

  • The user has the permission Global Roles → User Management → Modify own user settings.

  1. Select the menu option <First Name> → Account.

  2. Update the fields email, first name, or last name.

  3. Click Save.

The change is immediate. All audit logs affecting the user reflect the new email address.

Change notification settings

Notifications are email updates regarding projects, tasks, and jobs relevant to a user. By default, notifications are enabled. Users can toggle the settings using the steps below.

  • The user has the permission Global Roles → User Management → Modify own user settings.

  1. Select the menu option <First Name> → Notifications.

  2. Update one or more settings.

  3. Click Save.

The change is immediate. To send notifications to a different email address, users can update profile information for their account.

Take a training course

Users can complete security courses from a number of subjects by following the steps below.

  • The user has the permission Global Roles → User Management → Modify own user settings.

  • Just-in-Time Training is enabled.

  1. Select the menu option <First Name> → Training.

  2. Select a training module.

  3. Select a course from the list to launch the training module.

Track training progress

Users can track their course progress by following the steps below.

  • The user has the permission Global Roles → User Management → Modify own user settings.

  • Just-in-Time Training is enabled.

  1. Select the menu option <First Name> → Training.

  2. Select a training module.

Course progress is noted on the right-hand side.

Generate an API token

Users can develop a custom integration with SD Elements by generating an API token. An API token is created by following the steps below.

  • The user has the permission Global Roles → User Management → Modify own user settings.

  1. Select the menu option <First Name> → API.

  2. Click Generate.

The API Token is presented in plaintext only once: copy the token to a safe location. If the user has an existing token, it is automatically revoked.

Use the API Token for custom integration implementations. The API Connection String is a token used for convenience that you can use with the Remote Integration Agent. because it also contains the server name.

Revoke an API token

Users can revoke an API token by following the steps below.

  • The user has the permission Global Roles → User Management → Modify own user settings.

  1. Select the menu option <First Name> → API.

  2. Click Revoke.

  3. Acknowledge the warning.

  4. Click Revoke.

The token is deleted: any integrations using this token will stop working.

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