Manage users

Administrators can provision users or modify their access in the user management section.

The users page displays a list of all users currently in SD Elements, their names, global roles, and status (whether or not they are disabled).

By default, SAML and LDAP authentication methods automatically add users to the system the first time they access SD Elements. You can disable this behaviour, however. For more details please contact SD Elements support.

User details

A user has the following fields:

  • E-mail: An email address is the unique identifier for a user.

    SD Elements requires a valid email address to reset your password, and for other email features, such as task notifications. Email addresses are not case-sensitive.
  • First Name and Last Name: The user’s first and last name.

  • Role: The user’s global role.

  • Groups: The user’s group membership.

  • Last Login: The date and time when the user last logged in.

  • Status: All users are enabled by default. Check this option to disable them so that they cannot authenticate into the system. Disabled users will not receive any email notifications.

Create a new user

To add a new user, follow the steps below.

  • The user has the permission Global Roles → User Management → Manage Users & Groups.

  1. Select the menu option Manage → Users.

  2. Click the plus [add circle] button on the right. Two grey options will appear.

  3. Select the first grey option, Add User.

  4. Fill in the required fields.

  5. Click Done.

The new user receives an email with instructions on how to set a new password. If there are technical issues with sending or receiving emails from SD Elements, you can also copy and paste the link that appears after you open the "Reset Password" option again.

The password reset expires after 72 hours. If the user fails to authenticate during this time you will need to reset the password again.

Password reset functionality is not applicable to users who are provisioned using Single Sign-On (SSO), such as SAML and LDAP.

Modify a user

To update a user’s details follow the steps below.

  • The user has the permission Global Roles → User Management → Manage Users & Groups

  1. Select the menu option Manage → Users.

  2. Search for a specific user.

  3. Click the user’s name. A dialog will appear.

  4. Fill in the required fields.

  5. Click Done.

Reset a user’s password

An administrator can trigger a password reset for a user when they’re having trouble logging onto SD Elements.

Password reset functionality is not applicable to users who are provisioned using Single Sign-On (SSO), such as SAML and LDAP.
  • The user has the permission Global Roles → User Management → Manage Users & Groups

  1. Select the menu option Manage → Users.

  2. Search for a specific user.

  3. Click the action menu on the far right of the user’s row [ [more vert] ].

  4. Select Reset Password.

  5. Click Reset to confirm the password reset.

Completing the steps above will automatically send the user an email with instructions on how to set a new password. If there are technical issues with sending or receiving emails from SD Elements, you can also copy and paste the link that appears after you open the Reset Password option again.

The password reset expires after 72 hours. If the user fails to authenticate during this time you will need to reset the password again.

Add users in bulk

To help onboard teams quickly users can be provisioned in bulk. In particular, if automatic user provisioning is disabled and SD Elements is set up to authenticate using LDAP, SAML, or Trusted Authentication, then bulk user creation is necessary.

  • The user has the permission Global Roles → User Management → Manage Users & Groups

Bulk user requires you to import a CSV file containing user details. The CSV format is as follows:

email address, first name, last name, global role, group1;group2
Required Fields:

The first three columns email address, first name, and last name are required.

For LDAP & SAML authentication, administrators may wish to provision users before they have accessed the application for the first time. The advantage of this is to be able to assign the global role to certain groups.

Upload user "John Smith <>" with the global role "Administrator", and membership in groups "Developers" and "Security Leads". The CSV is as follows:,John,Smith,Administrator,Developers;Security Leads
  1. Create a CSV file with the required user and group information.

  2. Select the menu option Manage → Users.

  3. Select Add Users in Bulk under the plus [add circle] button.

  4. Click Browse and select the CSV file from the earlier step.

  5. Click Next.

  6. Confirm the list of users to be added and select Add.

The steps above will automatically send new users an email with instructions to set a password. The password reset expires after 72 hours. If the user does not set their password during this time, you will need to reset their password.

If SD Elements is set up for SSO (SAML, LDAP), new users will not be assigned a password. Users will only be able to authenticate through SAML, LDAP.

Export a list of users

Follow the steps below to download a list of application users to a CSV (Comma Separated Value) file.

  • The user has the permission Global Roles → User Management → Manage Users & Groups.

  1. Select the menu option Manage → Users.

  2. Click the action menu [ [more vert] ].

  3. Select Export as CSV.

The file userlist.csv containing information about each user is downloaded to your computer.

User information:
  • email_address: The user’s email address.

  • name: The full user name.

  • first_name: The user’s first name.

  • last_name: The user’s last name.

  • role: The user’s global role.

  • group_roles: The list of global roles derived through group membership.

  • business_units: The list of business units the user is a member of.

  • last_login: The date and time when the user last logged on. Empty if the user has never logged in.

  • status: active or disabled.

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