Get All Jobs (ALM + Verification + LDAP) for All Projects
Returns a list of all ALM, Verification, and LDAP jobs associated with all projects. Note that the parameters and jobs are only shown if you have the correct permissions.
GET /api/v2/jobs/
Query Parameters
The following parameters may be used to filter the connections resources in the response.
Parameter | Description |
automatic | Returns all jobs that were created automatically. |
connection | Returns all jobs that correspond to a specific connection. |
ready | Returns all jobs that have finished running, successfully, or otherwise. |
succeeded | Returns all jobs that completed successfully. |
user | Returns all jobs run by the specified user. |
GET /api/v2/jobs/ HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Token "YOUR SDE ACCESS TOKEN"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"results": [{
"id": 12,
"user": "no-reply+example@localhost",
"triggered_by": "",
"succeeded": true,
"automatic": true,
"ready": true,
"result_message": "",
"last_run": "2015-04-15T20:27:24.396442Z",
"connection": {
"alias": "My Connection",
"command": "run_my_connection",
"frequency": "daily",
"id": 23,
"params": {
"asset_name": "WebGoat Java",
"sde_project": "WhiteHat",
"sde_businessunit": "General",
"sde_application": "Demo Application",
"import_behaviour": "replace-scanner",
"analysis_server": "",
"task_status_mapping": "{}"
"project": 7,
"system": "Whitehat"
Expand Parameters
See the Expand Parameters section for more details.
Parameter | Description |
user | User field is expanded. |
triggered_by | triggered_by field is expanded. |
GET /api/v2/jobs/?expand=user,triggered_by
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Token: "YOUR SDE ACCESS TOKEN"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"results": [{
"id": 12,
"succeeded": true,
"user": {
"id": 3,
"email": "no-reply+admin@localhost",
"first_name": "SD Elements",
"last_name": "Service-Bot",
"last_login": null,
"date_joined": "2018-03-21T14:57:22.661977-04:00",
"is_active": false,
"is_superuser": true,
"role": {
"id": "UR5",
"name": "No Role"
"groups": [],
"password_reset_in_progress": false
"triggered_by": {
"id": 1,
"email": "",
"first_name": "Admin",
"last_name": "Testerton",
"last_login": "2018-03-21T14:53:54.861971-04:00",
"date_joined": "2011-05-25T11:37:55-04:00",
"is_active": true,
"is_superuser": true,
"role": {
"id": "UR4",
"name": "Administrator"
"groups": [],
"password_reset_in_progress": false
"succeeded": true,
"automatic": true,
"ready": true,
"result_message": "",
"last_run": "2015-04-15T20:27:24.396442Z",
"connection": {
"alias": "My Connection",
"command": "run_my_connection",
"frequency": "daily",
"id": 23,
"params": {
"asset_name": "WebGoat Java",
"sde_project": "WhiteHat",
"sde_businessunit": "General",
"sde_application": "Demo Application",
"import_behaviour": "replace-scanner",
"analysis_server": "",
"task_status_mapping": "{}"
"project": 7,
"system": "Whitehat"
Get All ALM Jobs of All Projects
Returns a list of all alm jobs associated with all projects. Note that the params are only shown if you have 'Edit ALM connections' permission.
GET /api/v2/jobs/alm/
Query Parameters
The following parameters may be used to filter the ALM connections resources in the response.
Parameter | Description |
automatic | Returns all ALM jobs that were created automatically. |
connection | Returns all ALM jobs that correspond to a specific connection. |
ready | Returns all ALM jobs that have finished running, successfully or otherwise. |
succeeded | Returns all ALM jobs that completed successfully. |
user | Returns all ALM jobs synchronized by the specified user. |
GET /api/v2/jobs/alm/ HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Token "YOUR SDE ACCESS TOKEN"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"results": [{
"id": 12,
"user": "no-reply+example@localhost",
"triggered_by": "",
"succeeded": true,
"automatic": true,
"ready": true,
"result_message": "",
"last_run": "2015-04-15T20:27:24.396442Z",
"attachment": null,
"connection": {
"alias": "My Connection",
"command": "run_my_connection",
"frequency": "daily",
"id": 23,
"params": {
"sde_project": "Demo Project",
"alm_auth_mode": "basic",
"alm_user": "rally_user",
"sde_verification_filter": "none,partial,pass,fail",
"rally_workspace": "Rally Workspace",
"alm_method": "https",
"alm_title_format": "$task_id $title",
"alm_server": "",
"sde_businessunit": "General",
"sde_application": "Demo Application",
"alm_project": "Rally Project",
"alm_pass": "rally_password",
"alm_phases": "requirements,architecture-design,development",
"sde_statuses_in_scope": "TODO",
"conflict_policy": "alm",
"sde_min_priority": 7
"project": 7,
"system": "Rally"
Expand Parameters
See the Expand Parameters section for more details.
Parameter | Description |
user | User field is expanded. |
triggered_by | triggered_by field is expanded. |
GET /api/v2/jobs/alm/?expand=user,triggered_by
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Token: "YOUR SDE ACCESS TOKEN"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"results": [{
"id": 12,
"user": {
"id": 3,
"email": "no-reply+admin@localhost",
"first_name": "SD Elements",
"last_name": "Service-Bot",
"last_login": null,
"date_joined": "2018-03-21T14:57:22.661977-04:00",
"is_active": false,
"is_superuser": true,
"role": {
"id": "UR5",
"name": "No Role"
"groups": [],
"password_reset_in_progress": false
"triggered_by": {
"id": 1,
"email": "",
"first_name": "Admin",
"last_name": "Testerton",
"last_login": "2018-03-21T14:53:54.861971-04:00",
"date_joined": "2011-05-25T11:37:55-04:00",
"is_active": true,
"is_superuser": true,
"role": {
"id": "UR4",
"name": "Administrator"
"groups": [],
"password_reset_in_progress": false
"succeeded": true,
"automatic": true,
"ready": true,
"result_message": "",
"last_run": "2015-04-15T20:27:24.396442Z",
"attachment": null,
"connection": {
"alias": "My Connection",
"command": "run_my_connection",
"frequency": "daily",
"id": 23,
"params": {
"sde_project": "Demo Project",
"alm_auth_mode": "basic",
"alm_user": "rally_user",
"sde_verification_filter": "none,partial,pass,fail",
"rally_workspace": "Rally Workspace",
"alm_method": "https",
"alm_title_format": "$task_id $title",
"alm_server": "",
"sde_businessunit": "General",
"sde_application": "Demo Application",
"alm_project": "Rally Project",
"alm_pass": "rally_password",
"alm_phases": "requirements,architecture-design,development",
"sde_statuses_in_scope": "TODO",
"conflict_policy": "alm",
"sde_min_priority": 7
"project": 7,
"system": "Rally"
Get a Specific ALM Job
Returns a specific alm job. Note that the params are only shown if you have 'Edit ALM connections' permission.
GET /api/v2/jobs/alm/{job_id}
GET /api/v2/jobs/alm/{job_id} HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Token "YOUR SDE ACCESS TOKEN"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"id": 12,
"user": "no-reply+example@localhost",
"triggered_by": "",
"succeeded": true,
"automatic": true,
"ready": true,
"result_message": "",
"last_run": "2015-04-15T20:27:24.396442Z",
"attachment": null,
"connection": {
"alias": "My Connection",
"command": "run_my_connection",
"frequency": "daily",
"id": 23,
"params": {
"sde_project": "Demo Project",
"alm_auth_mode": "basic",
"alm_user": "rally_user",
"sde_verification_filter": "none,partial,pass,fail",
"rally_workspace": "Rally Workspace",
"alm_method": "https",
"alm_title_format": "$task_id $title",
"alm_server": "",
"sde_businessunit": "General",
"sde_application": "Demo Application",
"alm_project": "Rally Project",
"alm_pass": "rally_password",
"alm_phases": "requirements,architecture-design,development",
"sde_statuses_in_scope": "TODO",
"conflict_policy": "alm",
"sde_min_priority": 7
"project": 7,
"system": "Rally"
Initiate an ALM Connection Sync Job
Will add a sync job to the queue to be run.
POST /api/v2/jobs/alm/
Fields | Required | Description |
automatic | Yes | Whether the job was run automatically. |
connection | Yes | The connection id associated with the job. |
ready | Yes | Whether the job is ready to post its result or not. This field must be set to "false" in order for the import to commence. |
succeeded | No | Boolean Field. Use this along with the 'ready: true' to record when a job was successful/unsuccessful. |
POST /api/v2/jobs/alm/ HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Token "YOUR SDE ACCESS TOKEN"
"connection": 12,
"automatic": false,
"ready": false
Content-Type: application/json
"id": 12,
"triggered_by": "",
"succeeded": false,
"automatic": false,
"ready": false,
"result_message": "",
"last_run": "2015-04-15T20:27:24.396442Z",
"attachment": null,
"connection": {
"alias": "My Connection",
"command": "run_my_connection",
"frequency": "daily",
"id": 12,
"params": {
"sde_project": "Demo Project",
"alm_auth_mode": "basic",
"alm_user": "rally_user",
"sde_verification_filter": "none,partial,pass,fail",
"rally_workspace": "Rally Workspace",
"alm_method": "https",
"alm_title_format": "$task_id $title",
"alm_server": "",
"sde_businessunit": "General",
"sde_application": "Demo Application",
"alm_project": "Rally Project",
"alm_pass": "rally_password",
"alm_phases": "requirements,architecture-design,development",
"sde_statuses_in_scope": "TODO",
"conflict_policy": "alm",
"sde_min_priority": 7
"project": 7,
"system": "Rally"
Post Results of an ALM Job of a Project
Will submit the results of an ALM job.
POST /api/v2/jobs/alm/
Fields | Required | Description |
automatic | Yes | Whether the job was run automatically. |
connection | Yes | The connection id associated with the job. |
result_message | Yes | The result message of the job. |
succeeded | Yes | Whether the job was run successfully. |
POST /api/v2/jobs/alm/ HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Token "YOUR SDE ACCESS TOKEN"
"connection": 12,
"result_message": "My Message",
"succeeded": true,
"automatic": true
Content-Type: application/json
"id": 12,
"user": "",
"triggered_by": "",
"succeeded": true,
"automatic": true,
"ready": true,
"result_message": "My Message",
"last_run": "2015-04-15T20:27:24.396442Z",
"attachment": null,
"connection": {
"alias": "My Connection",
"command": "run_my_connection",
"frequency": "daily",
"id": 12,
"params": {
"sde_project": "Demo Project",
"alm_auth_mode": "basic",
"alm_user": "rally_user",
"sde_verification_filter": "none,partial,pass,fail",
"rally_workspace": "Rally Workspace",
"alm_method": "https",
"alm_title_format": "$task_id $title",
"alm_server": "",
"sde_businessunit": "General",
"sde_application": "Demo Application",
"alm_project": "Rally Project",
"alm_pass": "rally_password",
"alm_phases": "requirements,architecture-design,development",
"sde_statuses_in_scope": "TODO",
"conflict_policy": "alm",
"sde_min_priority": 7
"project": 7,
"system": "Rally"
Get All Verification Jobs for All Projects
Returns a list of all verification jobs associated with all projects. Note that the params are only shown if you have the 'Edit verification connections' permission.
GET /api/v2/jobs/analysis/
Query Parameters
The following parameters may be used to filter the verification connections resources in the response.
Parameter | Description |
automatic | Returns all Verification jobs that were created automatically. |
connection | Returns all Verification jobs that correspond to a specific connection. |
ready | Returns all Verification jobs that have finished running, successfully, or otherwise. |
succeeded | Returns all Verification jobs that completed successfully. |
user | Returns all Verification jobs synchronized by the specified user. |
GET /api/v2/jobs/analysis/ HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Token "YOUR SDE ACCESS TOKEN"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"results": [{
"id": 12,
"user": "no-reply+example@localhost",
"triggered_by": "",
"succeeded": true,
"automatic": true,
"ready": true,
"result_message": "",
"last_run": "2015-04-15T20:27:24.396442Z",
"attachment": null,
"connection": {
"alias": "My Connection",
"command": "run_my_connection",
"frequency": "daily",
"id": 23,
"params": {
"asset_name": "WebGoat Java",
"sde_project": "WhiteHat",
"sde_businessunit": "General",
"sde_application": "Demo Application",
"import_behaviour": "replace-scanner",
"analysis_server": "",
"task_status_mapping": "{}"
"project": 7,
"system": "Whitehat"
Expand Parameters
See the Expand Parameters section for more details.
Parameter | Description |
user | User field is expanded. |
triggered_by | triggered_by field is expanded. |
GET /api/v2/jobs/analysis/?expand=user,triggered_by
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Token: "YOUR SDE ACCESS TOKEN"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"results": [{
"id": 12,
"succeeded": true,
"user": {
"id": 3,
"email": "no-reply+admin@localhost",
"first_name": "SD Elements",
"last_name": "Service-Bot",
"last_login": null,
"date_joined": "2018-03-21T14:57:22.661977-04:00",
"is_active": false,
"is_superuser": true,
"role": {
"id": "UR5",
"name": "No Role"
"groups": [],
"password_reset_in_progress": false
"triggered_by": {
"id": 1,
"email": "",
"first_name": "Admin",
"last_name": "Testerton",
"last_login": "2018-03-21T14:53:54.861971-04:00",
"date_joined": "2011-05-25T11:37:55-04:00",
"is_active": true,
"is_superuser": true,
"role": {
"id": "UR4",
"name": "Administrator"
"groups": [],
"password_reset_in_progress": false
"succeeded": true,
"automatic": true,
"ready": true,
"result_message": "",
"last_run": "2015-04-15T20:27:24.396442Z",
"attachment": null,
"connection": {
"alias": "My Connection",
"command": "run_my_connection",
"frequency": "daily",
"id": 23,
"params": {
"asset_name": "WebGoat Java",
"sde_project": "WhiteHat",
"sde_businessunit": "General",
"sde_application": "Demo Application",
"import_behaviour": "replace-scanner",
"analysis_server": "",
"task_status_mapping": "{}"
"project": 7,
"system": "Whitehat"
Get a Specific Verification Job
Returns a specific verification job. Note that the params are only shown if you have 'Edit verification connections' permission.
GET /api/v2/jobs/analysis/{job_id}
GET /api/v2/jobs/analysis/{job_id} HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Token "YOUR SDE ACCESS TOKEN"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"id": 12,
"user": "no-reply+example@localhost",
"triggered_by": "",
"succeeded": true,
"automatic": true,
"ready": true,
"result_message": "",
"last_run": "2015-04-15T20:27:24.396442Z",
"attachment": null,
"connection": {
"alias": "My Connection",
"command": "run_my_connection",
"frequency": "daily",
"id": 23,
"params": {
"asset_name": "WebGoat Java",
"sde_project": "WhiteHat",
"sde_businessunit": "General",
"sde_application": "Demo Application",
"import_behaviour": "replace-scanner",
"analysis_server": "",
"task_status_mapping": "{}"
"project": 7,
"system": "Whitehat"
Initiate a Verification Connection Import Job
This puts the import job on the queue to be run.
POST /api/v2/jobs/analysis/
Fields | Required | Description |
automatic | Yes | Whether the job was run automatically. |
connection | Yes | The connection id associated with the job. |
ready | Yes | Whether the job is ready to post its result or not. This field must be set to "false" in order for the import to commence. |
succeeded | No | Boolean Field. Use this along with the 'ready: true' to record when a job was successful/unsuccessful. |
POST /api/v2/jobs/analysis/ HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Token "YOUR SDE ACCESS TOKEN"
"connection": 12,
"automatic": false,
"ready": false
Content-Type: application/json
"id": 12,
"triggered_by": "",
"succeeded": false,
"automatic": false,
"ready": false,
"result_message": "",
"last_run": "2015-04-15T20:27:24.396442Z",
"attachment": null,
"connection": {
"alias": "My Connection",
"command": "run_my_connection",
"frequency": "daily",
"id": 23,
"params": {
"asset_name": "WebGoat Java",
"sde_project": "WhiteHat",
"sde_businessunit": "General",
"sde_application": "Demo Application",
"import_behaviour": "replace-scanner",
"analysis_server": "",
"task_status_mapping": "{}"
"project": 7,
"system": "Whitehat"
Post Results of a Verification Job of a Project
This submits the results of an analysis job.
POST /api/v2/jobs/analysis/
Fields | Required | Description |
automatic | Yes | Whether the job was run automatically. |
connection | Yes | The connection id associated with the job. |
result_message | Yes | The result message of the job. |
succeeded | Yes | Whether the job was run successfully. |
ready | No | Whether the job is ready to post the result or not. Defaults to True. |
POST /api/v2/jobs/analysis/ HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Token "YOUR SDE ACCESS TOKEN"
"connection": 12,
"result_message": "My Message",
"succeeded": true,
"automatic": true
Content-Type: application/json
"id": 12,
"user": "no-reply+example@localhost",
"triggered_by": "",
"succeeded": true,
"automatic": true,
"ready": true,
"result_message": "My Message",
"last_run": "2015-04-15T20:27:24.396442Z",
"attachment": null,
"connection": {
"alias": "My Connection",
"command": "run_my_connection",
"frequency": "daily",
"id": 23,
"params": {
"asset_name": "WebGoat Java",
"sde_project": "WhiteHat",
"sde_businessunit": "General",
"sde_application": "Demo Application",
"import_behaviour": "replace-scanner",
"analysis_server": "",
"task_status_mapping": "{}"
"project": 7,
"system": "Whitehat"
Initiate a Verification Connection File Import Job
This puts the file import job on the queue to be run.
POST /api/v2/jobs/analysis-file/
Fields | Required | Description |
report_file | Yes | A file upload containing results from a security tool verification. |
system | Yes | The id of the system. |
project | Yes | The id of the SD Elements project that this connection will connect with. |
params | No | A dictionary containing connections options. Please refer to product documentation for more details or reach out to support. |
POST /api/v2/jobs/analysis-file/ HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: multipart/form-data
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Token "YOUR SDE ACCESS TOKEN"
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="report_file"; filename="report.xml"
Content-Type: text/xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<ReportDefinition type="xml">
<truncated ...>
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="system"
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="project"
Content-Type: application/json
"automatic": false,
"attachment": "report.xml",
"connection": {
"id": 10,
"alias": "File Upload Connection - Fortify",
"system": {
"id": "fortify_file_upload",
"short_name": "Fortify",
"name": "Fortify Software Security Center"
"frequency": "manually",
"command": "import_fortify",
"params": {
"file_upload": "report.xml",
"sde_project": 1,
"sde_businessunit": 1,
"sde_application": 1
"in_progress": true,
"connector": null,
"project": 1,
"debug_mode": false,
"is_file_upload": true
"id": 10,
"last_run": "2018-08-01T15:51:47.606173-04:00",
"ready": false,
"result_message": "",
"succeeded": false,
"user": "",
"triggered_by": ""
Get All LDAP Jobs
Returns a list of all LDAP jobs. Note that the params are only shown if you have 'Edit verification connections' permission.
GET /api/v2/jobs/ldap/
Query Parameters
The following parameters may be used to filter the verification connections resources in the response.
Parameter | Type | Description |
automatic | Boolean | Returns all LDAP jobs that were created automatically. |
connection | Integer | Returns all LDAP jobs that correspond to a specific connection. |
ready | Boolean | Returns all LDAP jobs that have finished running, successfully or otherwise. |
succeeded | Boolean | Returns all LDAP jobs that completed successfully. |
user | Returns all LDAP jobs synchronized by the specified user. |
GET /api/v2/jobs/ldap/ HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Token "YOUR SDE ACCESS TOKEN"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"results": [{
"attachment": null,
"automatic": false,
"connection": {
"id": 29,
"alias": "gg'",
"system": "LDAP",
"frequency": "manually",
"command": "sync_ldap",
"params": {
"group_base_dn": "OU=SyncGroups,DC=example,DC=com",
"ldap_server": "",
"bind_dn": "CN=Bind User2,CN=Users,DC=labs,DC=sdelements,DC=com",
"user_schema": {
"first_name": "gn",
"last_name": "sn",
"email": "mail",
"full_name": "cn"
"deactivation": false,
"group_member_query": "(&(objectClass=user)(memberOf=%s))",
"page_size": 666,
"base_dn": "DC=labs,DC=sdelements,DC=com",
"ldap_method": "LDAP",
"ldap_validate_cert": true
"inaccessible": false
"id": 57,
"last_run": "2017-01-05T18:38:42.604983Z",
"ready": true,
"result_message": "",
"succeeded": true,
"user": "no-reply+example@localhost",
"triggered_by": ""
Expand Parameters
See the Expand Parameters section for more details.
Parameter | Description |
user | User field is expanded. |
triggered_by | triggered_by field is expanded. |
GET /api/v2/jobs/ldap/?expand=user,triggered_by
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Token: "YOUR SDE ACCESS TOKEN"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"results": [{
"attachment": null,
"automatic": false,
"connection": {
"id": 29,
"alias": "gg'",
"system": "LDAP",
"frequency": "manually",
"command": "sync_ldap",
"params": {
"group_base_dn": "OU=SyncGroups,DC=example,DC=com",
"ldap_server": "",
"bind_dn": "CN=Bind User2,CN=Users,DC=labs,DC=sdelements,DC=com",
"user_schema": {
"first_name": "gn",
"last_name": "sn",
"email": "mail",
"full_name": "cn"
"deactivation": false,
"group_member_query": "(&(objectClass=user)(memberOf=%s))",
"page_size": 666,
"base_dn": "DC=labs,DC=sdelements,DC=com",
"ldap_method": "LDAP",
"ldap_validate_cert": true
"inaccessible": false
"id": 57,
"last_run": "2017-01-05T18:38:42.604983Z",
"ready": true,
"result_message": "",
"succeeded": true,
"user": {
"id": 3,
"email": "no-reply+admin@localhost",
"first_name": "SD Elements",
"last_name": "Service-Bot",
"last_login": null,
"date_joined": "2018-03-21T14:57:22.661977-04:00",
"is_active": false,
"is_superuser": true,
"role": {
"id": "UR5",
"name": "No Role"
"groups": [],
"password_reset_in_progress": false
"triggered_by": {
"id": 1,
"email": "",
"first_name": "Admin",
"last_name": "Testerton",
"last_login": "2018-03-21T14:53:54.861971-04:00",
"date_joined": "2011-05-25T11:37:55-04:00",
"is_active": true,
"is_superuser": true,
"role": {
"id": "UR4",
"name": "Administrator"
"groups": [],
"password_reset_in_progress": false
Get a Specific LDAP Job
Returns a specific LDAP job. Note that the params are only shown if you have 'Edit verification connections' permission.
GET /api/v2/jobs/ldap/{job_id}
GET /api/v2/jobs/ldap/{job_id} HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Token "YOUR SDE ACCESS TOKEN"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"attachment": null,
"automatic": false,
"connection": {
"id": 29,
"alias": "gg'",
"system": "LDAP",
"frequency": "manually",
"command": "sync_ldap",
"params": {
"group_base_dn": "OU=SyncGroups,DC=example,DC=com",
"ldap_server": "",
"bind_dn": "CN=Bind User2,CN=Users,DC=labs,DC=sdelements,DC=com",
"user_schema": {
"first_name": "gn",
"last_name": "sn",
"email": "mail",
"full_name": "cn"
"deactivation": false,
"group_member_query": "(&(objectClass=user)(memberOf=%s))",
"page_size": 666,
"base_dn": "DC=labs,DC=sdelements,DC=com",
"ldap_method": "LDAP",
"ldap_validate_cert": true
"inaccessible": false
"id": 57,
"last_run": "2017-01-05T18:38:42.604983Z",
"ready": true,
"result_message": "",
"succeeded": true,
"user": "no-reply+example@localhost",
"triggered_by": ""
Initiate an LDAP Connection Import Job
Will put the import job on the queue to be run.
POST /api/v2/jobs/ldap/
Fields | Required | Type | Description |
automatic | Yes | Boolean | Whether the job was run automatically. |
connection | Yes | Integer | The connection id associated with the job. |
ready | Yes | Boolean | Whether the job is ready to post its result or not. This field must be set to "false" in order for the import to commence. |
succeeded | No | Boolean | Use this along with the 'ready: true' to record when a job was successful/unsuccessful. |
POST /api/v2/jobs/ldap/ HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Token "YOUR SDE ACCESS TOKEN"
"connection": 29,
"automatic": false,
"ready": false
Content-Type: application/json
"attachment": null,
"automatic": false,
"connection": {
"id": 29,
"alias": "gg'",
"system": "LDAP",
"frequency": "manually",
"command": "sync_ldap",
"params": {
"group_base_dn": "OU=SyncGroups,DC=example,DC=com",
"ldap_server": "",
"bind_dn": "CN=Bind User2,CN=Users,DC=labs,DC=sdelements,DC=com",
"user_schema": {
"first_name": "gn",
"last_name": "sn",
"email": "mail",
"full_name": "cn"
"deactivation": false,
"group_member_query": "(&(objectClass=user)(memberOf=%s))",
"page_size": 666,
"base_dn": "DC=labs,DC=sdelements,DC=com",
"ldap_method": "LDAP",
"ldap_validate_cert": true
"inaccessible": false
"id": 57,
"last_run": "2017-01-05T18:38:42.604983Z",
"ready": true,
"result_message": "",
"succeeded": true,
"user": "no-reply+example@localhost",
"triggered_by": ""
Post Results of an LDAP Job
Will submit the results of an LDAP job.
POST /api/v2/jobs/LDAP/
Fields | Required | Type | Description |
automatic | Yes | Boolean | Whether the job was run automatically. |
connection | Yes | Integer | The connection id associated with the job. |
result_message | Yes | String | The result message of the job. |
succeeded | Yes | Boolean | Whether the job was run successfully. |
ready | No | Boolean | Whether the job is ready to post the result or not. Defaults to True. |
POST /api/v2/jobs/ldap/ HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Token "YOUR SDE ACCESS TOKEN"
"connection": 29,
"result_message": "My Message",
"succeeded": true,
"automatic": true
Content-Type: application/json
"attachment": null,
"automatic": false,
"connection": {
"id": 29,
"alias": "gg'",
"system": "LDAP",
"frequency": "manually",
"command": "sync_ldap",
"params": {
"group_base_dn": "OU=SyncGroups,DC=example,DC=com",
"ldap_server": "",
"bind_dn": "CN=Bind User2,CN=Users,DC=labs,DC=sdelements,DC=com",
"user_schema": {
"first_name": "gn",
"last_name": "sn",
"email": "mail",
"full_name": "cn"
"deactivation": false,
"group_member_query": "(&(objectClass=user)(memberOf=%s))",
"page_size": 666,
"base_dn": "DC=labs,DC=sdelements,DC=com",
"ldap_method": "LDAP",
"ldap_validate_cert": true
"inaccessible": false
"id": 57,
"last_run": "2017-01-05T18:38:42.604983Z",
"ready": true,
"result_message": "My Message",
"succeeded": true,
"user": "no-reply+example@localhost",
"triggered_by": ""