Project Classifications

Get All Project Classifications

This endpoint retrieves a list of Project Classification resources.

GET /api/v2/project-classifications/

GET /api/v2/project-classifications/ HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Token "YOUR SDE ACCESS TOKEN"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "results": [{
    "ordinal": 1,
    "name": "Low",
    "description": "Used for internal projects.",
    "default_risk_policy": 1,
    "risk_policies": [
    "answers": ["A168"],
    "last_update_date_time": "2019-05-28T11:34:21.908541-04:00",
    "is_unclassified": false

Expand Parameters

See the Expand Parameters section for more details.

Parameter Description
default_risk_policy The default Risk Policy field is expanded to include Risk Policy id, name, and description.
risk_policies The Risk Policies field is expanded to include Risk Policies ids, names, and descriptions.
answers The Answers field is expanded to include Answers ids, texts, and descriptions.
GET /api/v2/project-classifications/?expand=default_risk_policy,risk_policies,answers HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Token: "YOUR SDE ACCESS TOKEN"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "results": [{
    "ordinal": 1,
    "name": "Low",
    "description": "Used for internal projects.",
    "default_risk_policy": {
      "id": 1,
      "name": "On-Boarding Policy",
      "description": "A risk policy suitable for introducing an application to SD Elements by focusing on the tasks that are most important."
    "risk_policies": [{
      "id": 1,
      "name": "On-Boarding Policy",
      "description": "A risk policy suitable for introducing an application to SD Elements by focusing on the tasks that are most important."
    "answers": [{
      "id": "A168",
      "text": "ADO.NET",
      "description": "ADO.NET is a data access technology from the Microsoft .NET Framework. The application uses ADO.NET for persistence."
    "last_update_date_time": "2019-05-28T11:34:21.908541-04:00",
    "is_unclassified": false

Include Parameters

See the Include Parameters section for more details.

Parameter Description
unclassified Include the Unclassified Project Classification in the results. This Project Classification is read-only and cannot be modified.
GET /api/v2/project-classifications/?include=unclassified HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Token "YOUR SDE ACCESS TOKEN"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "results": [{
    "ordinal": 1,
    "name": "Low",
    "description": "Used for internal projects.",
    "default_risk_policy": 1,
    "risk_policies": [
    "answers": ["A168"],
    "last_update_date_time": "2019-05-28T11:34:21.908541-04:00",
    "is_unclassified": false
    "ordinal": 6,
    "name": "Unclassified",
    "description": "This Project does not match with any organization Classification.",
    "default_risk_policy": null,
    "risk_policies": [],
    "answers": [],
    "last_update_date_time": "2019-05-28T11:34:21.908541-04:00",
    "is_unclassified": true

Get a Specific Project Classification

This endpoint retrieves a specific Project Classification resource, as specified by the ordinal parameter.

GET /api/v2/project-classifications/{project_classification_ordinal}/

URL Parameters

Parameter Description
project_classification_ordinal The ordinal of the project classification to retrieve
GET /api/v2/project-classifications/1/ HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Token "YOUR SDE ACCESS TOKEN"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "ordinal": 1,
  "name": "Low",
  "description": "Used for internal projects.",
  "default_risk_policy": 1,
  "risk_policies": [
  "answers": ["A168"],
  "last_update_date_time": "2019-05-28T11:34:21.908541-04:00",
  "is_unclassified": false

Update a Project Classification

Update a single project classification by specifying a new name and priority. The project classification to update is identified by the ordinal.

PATCH /api/v2/project-classifications/{project_classification_ordinal}/

URL Parameters

Parameter Description
project_classification_ordinal The ordinal of the project classification to edit must be submitted in the request


Fields Required Description
name No The new name of the project classification.
description No The new description of the project classification.
default_risk_policy No A default risk policy that will automatically be recommended for a project with this project classification.
risk_policies No A list of risk policies that may be chosen for a project with this project classification.
answers No A list of answers that will determine if a project matches this project classification.
PATCH /api/v2/project-classifications/2/ HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Token "YOUR SDE ACCESS TOKEN"

  "name": "Maximum",
  "description": "Used for projects with maximum risk.",
  "default_risk_policy": 1,
  "risk_policies": [1],
  "answers": ["A168"]
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "ordinal": 2,
  "name": "Maximum",
  "description": "Used for projects with maximum risk.",
  "default_risk_policy": 1,
  "risk_policies": [
  "answers": ["A168"],
  "last_update_date_time": "2019-05-28T11:34:21.908541-04:00",
  "is_unclassified": false

results matching ""

    No results matching ""