Single host deployment

This deployment is only for learning and testing purposes, and is not supported as a production implementation. The purpose of microk8s is to conceal some Kubernetes setup details for ease of use (e.g. storage and networking), details that will be necessary considerations for a full-fledged application deployment in a Kubernetes cluster. You shouldn’t consider microk8s to be entirely representative of what an SD Elements Kubernetes deployment will require.

The following instructions will help you set up a standalone Kubernetes cluster with Microk8s to deploy SD Elements on an Ubuntu based system that supports snaps.


Minimal specifcations to support a single-node Kubernetes cluster and SD Elements


  • Ubuntu 18.04 LTS or newer

    • snapd package installed


  • 8 vCPU/cores

  • 16 GB RAM

  • 100 GB disk

Install Kubernetes (Microk8s v1.18.2 or later)

  1. Install snaps

    sudo snap install --channel=1.18/stable --classic microk8s
    sudo snap install --classic helm
  2. Add current user to microk8s group

    sudo usermod -a -G microk8s "${USER}" && su - "${USER}"
  3. Enable required microk8s addons

    microk8s.enable dns dashboard storage ingress
  4. Configure kube

    microk8s.kubectl config view --raw > "${HOME}/.kube/config"
  5. Ensure correct permissions on kube config file and directory

    chown "${USER}" "${HOME}/.kube"
    chown "${USER}" "${HOME}/.kube/config"
    chmod 750 "${HOME}/.kube"
    chmod 640 "${HOME}/.kube/config"

Configure and deploy SD Elements

Common tasks

See the Common Tasks page for detailed information on tasks that you may need to perform to manage SD Elements.

Remember to use the microk8s.kubectl command when you need to run kubectl in a single-host Microk8s deployment.

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