
If a user has the proper project permissions, any errors that occur while running integration steps will display in the web interface. More information about integrating with third-party systems can be found by adding -d (debug) command-line arguments.

Trust a new TLS Certificate


Import a trusted CA certificate to the Windows Certificate Store by double-clicking it and following the Certificate Import Wizard.

  1. Obtain a remote self-signed server certificate using openssl:

    openssl s_client -connect [SD Elements or Issue Tracker URL]:443 <<<'' | openssl x509 -out /tmp/cacert.pem
  2. Manually add an SSL certificate into the system CA bundle by first determining your Linux distribution:

    1. As a user for Centos/RHEL with sudo permissions, where your certificate exists as /tmp/cacert.pem:

      sudo cp /tmp/cacert.pem /etc/pki/ca-trust/source/anchors/
      sudo update-ca-trust enable && sudo update-ca-trust extract
    2. As a user for Ubuntu with sudo permissions, where your certificate exists as /tmp/cacert.pem:

      sudo apt-get install ca-certificates
      sudo cp /tmp/cacert.pem /usr/local/share/ca-certificates
      sudo update-ca-certificates --fresh
  3. Disable TLS certification validation for Issue Tracker Integration:

    python command_driver --sde_api_token=APIv2_CONNECTION_STRING --command_params='{"issue_tracker_validate_cert":"False"}'
  4. Run a specific integration type for an Issue Tracker or scanner (where ## is a database ID. This value is not shown on the Web UI, but you can find it in the project connection links):

    python command_driver --filter_connections=alm-## --sde_api_token=APIv2_CONNECTION_STRING
  5. On an SDE Project > Integration page, there is a list of connections with a "Sync" button. Click the button to start syncing the tasks over to an Issue Tracker (such as Jira or Rally). Examine the links of each connection. These links have a form similar to:
  6. When you find the integration you want to run, examine its URL. It should look similar to the one above.

Connect through a proxy

The Remote Integration Console can normally detect when it should connect through a proxy server. In cases where it cannot, you can follow the steps below:

  1. Open "integrate.bat" in the application directory. By default it is located at:

    C:\Users\YOUR-NAME\AppData\Local\Programs\SD Elements Remote Integration\integrate.bat
  2. Add the proxy’s server and port to the top of the file:

    SET https_proxy=
  1. Before calling the "python" process, set the "https_proxy" environment variable to the proxy’s server and port:

    export https_proxy=
Try HTTPS_PROXY if https_proxy does not give the desired behavior. If connecting over http to the server, replace https_proxy with http_proxy.

Bypass the proxy for certain hosts

When a proxy is configured, all connections flow through it. There are situations when the Remote Integration Agent needs to connect through a proxy to access SD Elements, but connect normally to an internal Issue Tracker server (internal.alm.server). In this case, set the no_proxy environment variable.

  1. Open "integrate.bat" in the application directory. By default, it is located here:

    C:\Users\YOUR-NAME\AppData\Local\Programs\SD Elements Remote Integration\integrate.bat
  2. Add the following line using your internal server name (FQDN or IP):

    SET no_proxy=internal.alm.server
  1. Before calling the "python" process, set the "no_proxy" environment variable and include your internal server name (FQDN or IP):

    export no_proxy=internal.alm.server
Try NO_PROXY if no_proxy does not give the desired behavior.
Add additional servers to the no_proxy setting by separating each FQDN or IP with a comma.

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