Issue Tracker Connections

Get All Issue Tracker Connections of All Projects

Returns a list of all Issue Tracker connections associated with all projects. The params are only displayed if you have the 'Edit Issue Tracker connections' permission.

The parameter last_successful_run only appears if the Issue Tracker connection has at least one successful sync.

GET /api/v2/connections/issue-tracker/

Query Parameters

The following parameters may be used to filter the Issue Tracker connections resources in the response.

Parameter Description
project Returns all Issue Tracker connections for the project with the specified id.

GET /api/v2/connections/issue-tracker/ HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Token "YOUR SDE ACCESS TOKEN"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

    "results": [{
        "id": 1,
        "alias": "Rally Integration",
            "short_name":"CA Agile Central",
            "name":"CA Agile Central (formerly Rally)"
        "frequency": "manually",
        "command": "sync_rally",
        "debug_mode": false,
        "params": {
            "sde_project": "Demo Project",
            "issue_tracker_auth_mode": "basic",
            "issue_tracker_user": "rally_user",
            "sde_verification_filter": "none,partial,pass,fail",
            "rally_workspace": "Rally Workspace",
            "issue_tracker_method": "https",
            "issue_tracker_validate_cert": true,
            "issue_tracker_title_format": "$task_id $title",
            "issue_tracker_server": "",
            "sde_businessunit": "General",
            "sde_application": "Demo Application",
            "issue_tracker_project": "Rally Project",
            "issue_tracker_pass": "rally_password",
            "issue_tracker_phases": "requirements,architecture-design,development",
            "sde_statuses_in_scope": "TODO",
            "conflict_policy": "issue_tracker",
            "sde_min_priority": 7,
            "issue_tracker_reference_context": 14,
            "last_successful_run": "2019-11-28T20:22:32.588388+00:00"
        "inaccessible": false,
        "in_progress": false,
        "connector": 2,
        "project": 1

Include Parameters

See the Include Parameters section for more details.

Parameter Description
last_job Include the details of the last job executed for this connection.
GET /api/v2/connections/issue-tracker/?include=last_job HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Token "YOUR SDE ACCESS TOKEN"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

    "results": [{
        "id": 1,
        "alias": "Rally Integration",
            "short_name":"CA Agile Central",
            "name":"CA Agile Central (formerly Rally)"
        "frequency": "manually",
        "command": "sync_rally",
        "debug_mode": false,
        "params": {
            "sde_project": "Demo Project",
            "issue_tracker_auth_mode": "basic",
            "issue_tracker_user": "rally_user",
            "sde_verification_filter": "none,partial,pass,fail",
            "rally_workspace": "Rally Workspace",
            "issue_tracker_method": "https",
            "issue_tracker_validate_cert": true,
            "issue_tracker_title_format": "$task_id $title",
            "issue_tracker_server": "",
            "sde_businessunit": "General",
            "sde_application": "Demo Application",
            "issue_tracker_project": "Rally Project",
            "issue_tracker_pass": "rally_password",
            "issue_tracker_phases": "requirements,architecture-design,development",
            "sde_statuses_in_scope": "TODO",
            "conflict_policy": "issue_tracker",
            "sde_min_priority": 7,
            "issue_tracker_reference_context": 14,
            "last_successful_run": "2019-11-28T20:22:32.588388+00:00"
        "inaccessible": false,
         "last_job": {
            "succeeded": false,
            "last_run": "2016-12-15T22:45:27.412Z",
            "result_message": "Error Message",
            "user": 3,
            "triggered_by": 1,
            "ready": true,
            "automatic": false,
            "id": 4
        "in_progress": false,
        "connector": 2,
        "project": 2

Get a Specific Issue Tracker Connection

Returns a specific Issue Tracker connection. The params are only displayed if you have the 'Edit Issue Tracker connections' permission.

GET /api/v2/connections/issue-tracker/{connection_id}/

GET /api/v2/connections/issue-tracker/{connection_id}/ HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Token "YOUR SDE ACCESS TOKEN"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

    "id": 1,
    "alias": "Rally Integration",
    "system": {
        "id": "rally",
        "name": "Rally"
    "frequency": "manually",
    "command": "sync_rally",
    "debug_mode": false,
    "params": {
        "sde_project": "Demo Project",
        "issue_tracker_auth_mode": "basic",
        "issue_tracker_user": "rally_user",
        "sde_verification_filter": "none,partial,pass,fail",
        "rally_workspace": "Rally Workspace",
        "issue_tracker_method": "https",
        "issue_tracker_validate_cert": true,
        "issue_tracker_title_format": "$task_id $title",
        "issue_tracker_server": "",
        "sde_businessunit": "General",
        "sde_application": "Demo Application",
        "issue_tracker_project": "Rally Project",
        "issue_tracker_pass": "rally_password",
        "issue_tracker_phases": "requirements,architecture-design,development",
        "sde_statuses_in_scope": "TODO",
        "conflict_policy": "issue_tracker",
        "sde_min_priority": 7,
        "issue_tracker_reference_context": 14
    "inaccessible": false,
    "connector": 2,
    "project": 2

Create an Issue Tracker Connection

Fields Required Description
alias Yes The name of the new connection.
debug_mode No A flag to enable debug mode for verbose logging.
connector Yes The id of the connector that this connection will use to connect with the Issue Tracker.
project Yes The id of the SD Elements project that this connection will connect with.
frequency No The frequency in which this connection will sync. The available options for organizations with the advanced Issue Tracker feature are: "hourly", "daily", "weekly", "monthly" and "manually". If unspecified, the frequency will default to "manually". Organizations without the advanced Issue Tracker feature can only choose "manually".
params Yes A dictionary containing connections options. Please refer to product documentation for more details or reach out to support.
POST /api/v2/connections/issue-tracker/ HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Token "YOUR SDE ACCESS TOKEN"

    "alias": "Example Connection",
    "connector": 1,
    "debug_mode": true,
    "project": 1,
    "frequency": "hourly",
        "issue_tracker_project": "Example Project",
        "issue_tracker_parent_issue": "Parent"
Content-Type: application/json

    "id": 5,
    "alias": "Example Connection",
    "system": {
        "id": "jira",
        "name": "JIRA",
        "short_name": "JIRA"
    "frequency": "hourly",
    "command": "sync_jira",
    "debug_mode": true,
        "sde_project": "Project 1",
        "issue_tracker_auth_mode": "basic",
        "issue_tracker_user": "Sindy",
        "sde_verification_filter": "none,partial,pass,fail",
        "jira_version": "5",
        "issue_tracker_method": "https",
        "issue_tracker_validate_cert": true,
        "issue_tracker_title_format": "$task_id $title",
        "issue_tracker_server": "",
        "sde_businessunit": "BU",
        "sde_application": "Finance App",
        "issue_tracker_project": "Example Project",
        "issue_tracker_pass": "id",
        "issue_tracker_parent_issue": "Parent",
        "issue_tracker_phases": "requirements,architecture-design,development",
        "sde_statuses_in_scope": "TODO",
        "conflict_policy": "issue_tracker",
        "sde_min_priority": 7,
        "issue_tracker_reference_context": 5,
        "session_capture_socket": "/doc/sde/sdetools_session_capture.sock"
    "inaccessible": false,
    "connector": 1,
    "project": 1

Update a specific Issue Tracker Connection

Update a specific Issue Tracker Connection resource.

PATCH /api/v2/connections/issue-tracker/{connection_id}/

URL Parameters

Parameter Description
connection_id The ID of the Issue Tracker Connection to update
PATCH /api/v2/connections/issue-tracker/1/ HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Token "YOUR SDE ACCESS TOKEN"

    "alias": "Example Connection Updated Name",
    "connector": 1,
    "project": 1,
    "frequency": "manually",
    "params": {"issue_tracker_project": "Project Name"}
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

    "id": 5,
    "alias": "Example Connection Updated Name",
    "system": {
        "id": "jira",
        "name": "JIRA"
    "frequency": "manually",
    "command": "sync_jira",
    "debug_mode": false,
        "sde_project": "Project 1",
        "issue_tracker_auth_mode": "basic",
        "issue_tracker_user": "Sindy",
        "sde_verification_filter": "none,partial,pass,fail",
        "jira_version": "5",
        "issue_tracker_method": "https",
        "issue_tracker_validate_cert": true,
        "issue_tracker_title_format": "$task_id $title",
        "issue_tracker_server": "",
        "sde_businessunit": "BU",
        "sde_application": "Finance App",
        "issue_tracker_project": "Project Name",
        "issue_tracker_pass": "id",
        "issue_tracker_parent_issue": "Parent",
        "issue_tracker_phases": "requirements,architecture-design,development",
        "sde_statuses_in_scope": "TODO",
        "conflict_policy": "issue_tracker",
        "sde_min_priority": 7,
        "issue_tracker_reference_context": 5
    "inaccessible": false,
    "connector": 1,
    "project": 1

Delete a specific Issue Tracker Connection

Delete a specific Issue Tracker Connection resource.

DELETE /api/v2/connections/issue-tracker/{connection_id}/

URL Parameters

Parameter Description
connection_id The ID of the Issue Tracker Connection to delete
DELETE /api/v2/connections/issue-tracker/1/ HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Token "YOUR SDE ACCESS TOKEN"
HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
Content-Type: application/json

Test an Issue Tracker Connection

Performs a connectivity test against the Issue Tracker server, verifies the Issue Tracker project exists and validates other configuration parameters.

POST /api/v2/connections/test-issue-tracker/

Fields Required Description
name Yes The name of the connector.
system Yes A dictionary containing the id, name and short name of the system.
params Yes A dictionary containing connections options. Please refer to product documentation for more details or reach out to support. Required params will return appropriate errors when unspecified.
POST /api/v2/connections/test-issue-tracker/ HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Token "YOUR SDE ACCESS TOKEN"

    "connector": 2,
    "alias": "Issue Tracker Test",
    "project": 2,
    "system": {
        "id": "rally"
    "params": {
        "issue_tracker_auth_mode": "basic",
        "issue_tracker_user": "username",
        "issue_tracker_pass": "password",
        "issue_tracker_project": "rally_project",
        "issue_tracker_validate_cert": true
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "success": true

results matching ""

    No results matching ""