
SD Elements provides a mechanism to create and restore backups on the same instance.

Create a server backup

Follow the steps below to create a backup of server customizations. The backup can be used for the purposes of server restoration.

  1. SSH credentials for sde_admin or sudo access.

  2. The backup you wish to create and restore will be performed on the same SD Elements instance (OVA file).

  1. Access the SD Elements server SSH console as sde_admin.

  2. On the command line, run

    sudo sde backup create

A file is created in /docs/sde/backup/ by default, this value is configurable via the --output-dir flag. Its filename matches format sde-backup-SDE.Version-YYYY-MM-DD-HHMM.tar.gz where SDE.Version is a release name. For example,


The backup archive contains:

  • database encryption keys

  • core configurations in the YAML file

  • SAML certificates

  • Webserver SSL/TLS certificates

  • uploaded media files.

Further options are available, use sde backup help to view additional command arguments.

Restore a backup

Restore a server to an earlier state using a previously created backup.

  • SSH credentials for sde_admin or sudo access.

  • The backup you wish to create and restore will be performed on the same SD Elements instance (OVA file).

  • An existing backup archive whose version is identical to the active release of SD Elements.

  1. Access the SD Elements server SSH console as sde_admin.

  2. On the command line, run

    sudo sde backup restore -i /file_path/backup_file.tar.gz

The files from the backup archive begin to restore, and a backup archive of your current database is created:

Schedule a backup

Perform regular application backups using the guidance below.

  1. SSH credentials for sde_admin or sudo access.

  1. Schedule sde backup create to run as a cron job using details from section Supported system configuration

    • For example, perform a backup every 12 hours:

         command: 'sde backup create'
         hour: '*/12'

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