
This page contains information about common helm tasks. More informaiton can also be found on the Requirements page.

Deploy SD Elements

  1. Browse to https://helm.sdelements.com/charts/ and login with your SD Elements Service account credentials

  2. Download a chart matching the target version of SD Elements, such as sde-5.5.23.tgz

  3. Extract helm chart and navigate into the chart directory (it should contain a Chart.yaml file)

    tar -xvzf sde-5.5.23.tgz && cd sde
  4. Install the SD Elements chart

    $ helm install RELEASE_NAME . --set global.imageRegistryUsername=sc_acme --set global.imageRegistryPassword=1951aaf2420611ea893817e7c2c2288c
    • RELEASE_NAME: release name, must NOT contain spaces or underscores. E.g. 'sde-local-1'

    • .: use Chart.yaml from the current directory

    • --set …​: used to set values in order to customize the deployment

Configure SD Elements

See the Configuration page for additional details.

There are two ways to configure SD Elements once it has been deployed.

Method 1: helm upgrade …​

Use the helm upgrade …​ command to configure SD Elements by adding additonal parameters to the command. For example:

helm install sde-1-local . --set global.imageRegistryUsername=sc_acme --set global.imageRegistryPassword=1951aaf2420611ea893817e7c2c2288c
helm upgrade sde-1-local . --set global.imageRegistryUsername=sc_acme --set global.imageRegistryPassword=1951aaf2420611ea893817e7c2c2288c --set worker.consoleLogLevel=DEBUG --set worker.wsgiLogLevel=info

Method 2: values.yaml

  1. Update values.yaml with the desired updates

  2. Run helm upgrade with the same parametes used with helm install …​ (assuming those parameters are ommitted from values.yaml)

Access SD Elements

It usually takes around 5-10 minutes to deploy SD Elements depending on the cluster performance and download speeds. During this time a custom friendly 503 message will be shown.

SD Elements is accessed on port 443 of the host or virtual machine. Typically this would be: https://IP_or_hostname/ (same IP_or_hostname used for the link:Accessing the Kubernetes Dashboard] below).

Upgrade SD Elements

  1. Get a list of deployed charts (installed releases)

    helm list
  2. Upgrade the desired release using the same arguments from the link:Deploy SDE] helm install …​ command

    helm upgrade RELEASE_NAME ...

Undeploy SD Elements

  1. Get a list of deployed charts (installed releases)

    helm list
  2. Uninstall a release

    helm uninstall RELEASE_NAME

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