Just-in-Time Training

Just-in-Time Training (JITT) integration provides in-context training for team members. We periodically update our training and how it is integrated with our content. When this happens, on-premise customers will need to download and install the latest training media that corresponds to their current SD Elements version.

Installing and Updating JITT Media

  1. SSH credentials for sde_admin or sudo access.

  2. Credentials for the SD Elements updates server.

  1. Access the SD Elements server SSH console as sde_admin.

  2. Download the tarball to the plugins directory.

    1. <VERSION> is the version of the SD Elements training pack without brackets. Use the following table for your version of SD Elements training:

      1. 4.14 (for SD Elements 4.14 or earlier)

      2. 4.15 (for SD Elements 4.15 up to and including 4.21)

      3. 4.22 (for SD Elements 4.22 up to and including 5.1).

      4. 5.2 (for SD Elements 5.2).

      5. 5.3 (for SD Elements 5.3).

      6. 5.4 (for SD Elements 5.4 or later).

        cd /docs/sde/plugins/
        wget https://updates.sdelements.com/sde/training_content/training-<VERSION>.tar.gz --user=YOUR_USER --ask-password
  3. Copy the training files to a new directory and set permissions:

    1. Move or remove the old folder:

      rm -rf /docs/sde/plugins/training/*
    2. Extract the tarball:

      tar -xvzf training-<VERSION>.tar.gz
      rm training-<VERSION>.tar.gz
    3. Set permissions:

Ownership permissions

[sde_admin@server plugins]$ ls -la /docs/sde/plugins/
total 12
drwxrwsr-x.  3 sde_admin sde_admin 4096 Mar 14 16:04 .
drwxrwsr-x. 12 sde_admin sde_admin 4096 Mar 13 18:12 ..
drwxrwsr-x. 60 sde_admin sde_admin 4096 Jan  4 20:12 training

If ownership update required:

[sde_admin@server plugins]$ chown -R sde_admin:sde_admin training/

SELinux context

[sde_admin@uc26 tmp]# ls -Z /docs/sde/plugins/
drwxrwsr-x. sde_admin sde_admin unconfined_u:object_r:default_t:s0 training

If SELinux update required:

[sde_admin@server plugins]$ chcon -R unconfined_u:object_r:default_t:s0 /docs/sde/plugins/training

Copy new training files to web server

  1. Run the command to copy the files over to the static directory so that Nginx can serve up the content.

    1. Type 'yes' to continue when prompted:

      sde manage_django collectstatic
      20249 static files copied to '/docs/sde/<your version>/static', 5347 unmodified.

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