Post-install activities

The sections below covers the typical areas of an SD Elements that are customized when a system is installed. It is assumed that the SD Elements virtual machine is installed and the guest system is running.

Required tasks

The tasks in this section are required for all system customization.

Configure system networking

Assign an IP to the server by following the steps below.

  • SSH credentials for sde_admin or sudo access.

  • Network information

    • IP Address

    • Gateway Address

    • Broadcast Address

    • Netmask

    • Network Address

    • DNS Server Addresses

    • System Hostname

  1. RHEL and CentOS 6

    1. Set the hostname: In /etc/sysconfig/network, assign hostname to the Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) you have chosen to use for your SD Elements instance. For example:

  2. RHEL and CentOS 7

    1. Run the following commands:

      sudo hostnamectl set-hostname [desired FQDN]
      sudo systemctl restart systemd-hostnamed
  3. Identify the network interface: ip link show

  4. Setup the network interface: Update file /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-$ and add or change the following lines using the *Network Information:

    • $ is the network interface identified from Step 2.

  5. Setup DNS: Update file /etc/resolv.conf and add or change the following lines with the DNS Server Addresses: (search line is optional)

  6. Disable IPv6: (Optional) Update file /etc/hosts file to remove/comment out the IPv6 localhost entry if you don’t make use of IPv6.

  7. Restart networking: Run the command:

    sudo ifdown [interface-name] && sudo ifup [interface-name]

The server is configured based on the Network Information and assigned IP Address.

Configure SD Elements domain name

SD Elements relies on its domain name configuration to generate application URLs (project web links and SAML configuration settings). By default this setting is assigned Follow the steps below to update the server for its proper domain name.

  • The application user is a Super User.

  • SSH credentials for sde_admin or sudo access.

  1. Log in to the SD Elements web application

  2. From the gear icon settings menu, select Domain Settings.

  3. Update Domain with the desired value.

  4. Click Save.

The server is updated with the new domain name. All project and task links are updated to reflect the change.

Validate access to update servers

After networking is configured, check that the server has access to the updates servers,, and

  • SSH credentials for sde_admin

If either validation step fails refer to the system troubleshooting steps for a resolution. The task Configure an HTTP proxy is a common solution but other steps may need to be taken depending on your environment.

Configure the system

This task covers the specific configuration the system needs to work with your environment. Refer to task:

Optional tasks

The tasks below enable finer grained customization and are optional.

Configure an HTTP proxy

Follow the steps below to configure an HTTP proxy on the server. This change will enable outgoing HTTP connections to reach other systems.

  • SSH credentials for sde_admin

  • HTTP proxy details: hostname and port

  1. Access the SD Elements server SSH console as sde_admin.

  2. Update the system environment. Add the following to file /etc/environment, replacing with your proxy details

    export HTTP_PROXY=
    export HTTPS_PROXY=
    export NO_PROXY=localhost,,
    export http_proxy=
    export https_proxy=
    export no_proxy=localhost,,
  3. Restart Apache and Celery.

    sde supervisor restart all
    sde apache restart

The system is configured for the HTTP proxy.

If the system is configured to access the proxy over HTTPS then its TLS/SSL certificate must be trusted by the system.

Add custom logos

Update the appearance of the SD Elements application with custom logos.

  • The application user is a Super User.

  1. Log in to the SD Elements web application

  2. From the gear icon settings menu, select Theming.

  3. Click Choose File for the logo you wish to customize.

    • Header Logo: Is displayed on the top-left of the application banner.

    • Login Logo: Is displayed on the login page.

    • Reports Logo: Is displayed on the top of every HTML and PDF report.

  4. Click Save.

The application is updated with the new logo selections.

Rename application UI strings

Certain application UI strings in SD Elements such as "Project", "Application", and "Release" can be renamed. A key denotes a UI element such as "project", "application", "release".

Follow the steps below to update these UI elements to a different value.

  • Superuser access

  1. Log in to SD Elements using superuser credentials.

  2. From the Dashboard, navigate to the "System" settings menu and select "UI Customization".

  3. Update the JSON with the desired changes.

Table 1. Explanation of certain terms:
Term Description


This appears centered below the logo of the login screen.


This appears right-aligned below the "Login" title and above the "Email" field.


This replaces the "Email" field’s label.


This replaces the "Password" field’s label.


Custom login page subtitle message (can be HTML snippet).


Set this to "True" to hide the "Forgot Password" button in the Login page.

Certain application email addresses and links can be changed to suit your own environment.

Setting Description Default value


E-mail address to which user feedback will be sent.


'From' address for outgoing email

SDElements <>


Link for Help Center

  • SSH credentials for sde_admin or sudo access.

  1. Open /docs/sde/local_settings

  2. Add a entry for the setting you want to change.

    • To change the HELP_LOCATION_LINK, for example:

  3. Restart Apache

    sde apache restart

The application is restarted with the new customized application settings.

Disable email service

In some environments it may be needed to disable email delivery. Follow the steps below to disable email delivery in the application.

  • SSH credentials for sde_admin or sudo access.

  1. Open /docs/sde/local_settings for edit.

    • If EMAIL_BACKEND = exists in the file, comment it out by prefixing it with #

    • If EMAIL_BACKEND is not in the file, add the following line:

      EMAIL_BACKEND = 'django.core.mail.backends.dummy.EmailBackend'
  2. Restart application services:

    sde apache restart
    sde supervisor restart all

SD Elements will no longer send emails.

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