Advanced content rules

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Content rules decide when a problem or its content is applicable to a project. At times there is a need for advanced rules for content, such as:

 NOT (Application is web services OR Application is web application) AND
(Application has internal and external users OR Application has
internal users only AND stores, process or transmits credit card data)

To model an advanced rule in SD Elements, convert it to Disjunctive Normal Form (DNF). This means that rules are formed by blocks of ANDs which are ORed together. You can use a DNF calculator such as the Wolfram Alpha boolean logic calculator to convert your rule to a format usable by SD Elements.

For example, if we substitute in short variables for the answers above, and use the following term in the calculator (note that "~" means NOT, "||" means OR, and "&&" means AND):

DNF ~(A || B) && (C || (D AND E))


(~A && ~B && C) || (~A && ~B && D && E))

We can convert this to the following rule in SD Elements:

NOT (Application is web services) AND NOT (Application is web application) AND Application has internal and
external users
NOT (Application is web services) AND NOT (Application is web application) AND Application has internal users
only AND stores, process or transmits credit card data

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