

  • Changed the Task cube in the Business Unit / Application / Project and Countermeasure contexts:
    • Added a string verificationReferenceNote dimension to the Task cube, which displays the latest verification reference note for a Task.


  • Changed the Project and ProjectConnection cubes in the Integration context:
    • Added a boolean hasIssueTrackerConnection dimension to the Project and ProjectConnection cubes, which displays whether a Project has an Issue Tracker Connection.
    • Added a boolean hasVerificationTrackerConnection dimension to the Project and ProjectConnection cubes, which displays whether a Project has a Verification Tracker Connection.
    • Added the issueTrackerCount measure to the ProjectConnection cube, which is the number of issue trackers a Project Connection has.
    • Added the verificationCount measure to the ProjectConnection cube, which is the number of verifications a Project Connection has.
  • Changed the LibraryThreat cube in the Library context:
    • Added a string capecSet dimension to the LibraryThreat cube, which displays the set of CAPECs associated with a Task or Library Threat.
  • Added the trend_application, trend_project, and trend_task contexts.
    • Added the BusinessUnitApplicationProject cube in all three contexts as well as the Regulation and Task cubes in the trend_task context.
  • Added new cubejs-api/v1/contexts endpoint to display all schemas with cubes, with their respective dimensions and measures.
  • Added note about cubejs-api/v1/meta about future deprecation.


  • Changed the Project and Task cubes in the Business Unit / Application / Project and Countermeasure contexts:
    • Pulled the completionPercent and highPriorityCompletePercent measures from the Task cube to the Project cube as taskCompletePercent and taskHighPriorityCompletePercent respectively. This is to address errors surrounding SQL aggregations for some percent measures.
    • Removed taskHighPriorityCompletePercent as a dimension in the Project cube.
    • Added the totalTaskCompletionPercent measure to the Project cube, which is the percentage of completed and N/A countermeasures over all project countermeasures.
  • Added a boolean dimension isPartOfGroup, which displays whether a user any association to a group, to the following cubes:
    • TaskAssigned, TaskModifiedUser, TaskNotesUpdater, ProjectCreatorUser, VerificationModifierUser in the Business Unit / Application / Project context.
    • TaskAssigned, TaskModifiedUser, TaskNotesUpdater, VerificationModifierUser in the Countermeasure context.
    • ProjectSurveyAnswersActor in the Project Survey Answer context.
    • TrainingEnrollmentUser in the Training (JITT) context.
    • User in the User context.
  • Added a TaskReference cube, with dimensions name and link, to the Business Unit / Application / Project and Countermeasure contexts. This allows for more access to issue tracker details for countermeasures.


  • Updated documentation to include Reporting Contexts.

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    No results matching ""