Account creation

User accounts are created in one of four ways:

  • An administrator creates an individual account in the User account creation section within the web interface.

  • An administrator bulk imports a list of users in the User account creation section within the web interface.

  • An administrator configures the LDAP Sync feature to provision accounts.

  • The Single Sign-On (SSO) feature is configured to autoprovision accounts.

A welcome email with a link is sent to users when an account is created. This link allows users to set their password, as well as their security questions and answers. The link will expire after 72 hours; an administrator can resend a new welcome email if necessary.

Username and password

Users are created according to the options in the section User account creation.


By default, the application creates a user the first time they log in. If access should be restricted, this option can be turned off. Please see the System Administration guide for more information.


By default, the application creates a user the first time they log in. If access should be restricted, this option can be turned off. Please see the System Administration guide for more information.

No welcome email is sent to users who are automatically created using SSO.

Trusted Authentication (SSO)

By default the application creates users the first time they access it. If access should be restricted, this option can be turned off.

No welcome email is sent to users who are automatically created using SSO.

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