
Default Database

To allow customers to install SD Elements in as few steps as possible, the Helm chart comes bundled with a database service that is enabled by default. On installation, the chart will provision an in-cluster Postgres service as a StatefulSet along with additional Kubernetes resources needed for storing configurations, credentials, and data

$ kubectl get statefulset,pod -n {RELEASE_NAME} -l name={RELEASE_NAME}-database
NAME                                       READY   AGE
statefulset.apps/{RELEASE_NAME}-database   1/1     139d

NAME                                              READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
pod/{RELEASE_NAME}-database-0                     1/1     Running   0          139d

Supply the following values when deploying SD Elements to configure the default database service.

    username: {PG_USER}
    password: {PASSWORD}

Customer Managed Databases

Optionally, SD Elements can be configured to a database provisioned and managed external to the Helm chart (e.g. an Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL instance).

Supply the following values when deploying SD Elements to use a customer-managed instance.

  enabled: false
  host: {DB_HOSTNAME}
  user: {PG_USER}
  password: {PASSWORD}


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