Common Tasks

These sections provide information about common tasks that users and administrators may need to perform to manage SD Elements.

Retrieve Default Helm Chart Values

Whereas the Chart Files reference page provides more common chart configurations and their defaults, the SD Elements Helm chart’s default values file provides a more complete list of values that may be configured.

The helm show values command will print a Helm chart’s default values file to the console. See the Helm Docs Helm Show Values page for usage instructions.

Append > {filename}.yaml to save these values to a file on the client’s filesystem.

In the example below, the default values for the specified SD Elements version is saved to the user’s file system in the current directory.

$ helm show values sdelements-dev/sde --version {SDE_VERSION}

Retrieve Superuser Credentials for an Existing Instance

Retrieve the superuser’s credentials from an existing instance using the command below.

# Superuser password
$ kubectl get secrets {RELEASE_NAME}-sde-secrets -n {NAMESPACE} --output jsonpath='{.data.SDE_SUPERUSER_PASSWORD}' | base64 -d

Soft Maintenance Mode

Soft Maintenance Mode restricts access to SD Elements during maintenance activities. When enabled, the login page is redirected to a soft error page notifying that scheduled maintenance is taking place. This will allow these administrators to complete maintenance without concern for data integrity being compromised or users contacting internal support teams. Users included in the whitelist can access SD Elements regardless. Follow the steps below to configure worker pods for whitelisted users and enable Soft Maintenance Mode.

Configure Soft Maintenance Mode

Add the following environment variable to worker-10 pod configurations in values.yaml with a list of users that are in the allow list


Enable, Disable and check Status of Soft Maintenance Mode

  • For running soft maintenance mode commands, first exec into worker-10 pod by running the following

    # Get the worker-10 pod name
    POD_NAME=$(kubectl get pods -o custom-columns="" | grep worker-10)
    # Exec into the pod
    kubectl exec -it ${POD_NAME} -- /bin/bash
  • To enable Soft Maintenance mode, run the following in the worker-10 pod

    # Run the enable command
    /bin/ soft-maintenance on
  • To disable Soft Maintenance mode, run the following in the worker-10 pod

    # Run the disable command
    /bin/ soft-maintenance off
  • To check status of Soft Maintenance mode, run the following in the worker-10 pod

    # Run command to check status
    /bin/ soft-maintenance

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