

SD Elements is composed of the following software elements, which are included in the deployment and don’t need to be installed or configured separately:

Apache + WSGI webserver (dynamic content)

Apache processes application requests from Nginx. It also runs the Django Python application in WSGI processes.

Nginx webserver (static content)

Nginx serves public static content directly to clients. It acts as a reverse proxy to Apache, hosts TLS/SSL for the SD Elements web application, and exposes ports 9080 and 9443 to SD Elements application users.

PostgreSQL database

This is the database server for the application. It’s accessed by the Apache WSGI processes.

RabbitMQ message queue

RabbitMQ is a queuing system for jobs (Issue Tracker, Scanner integration, emails).

Exim mail server

Exim handles emails initiated by the SD Elements application.

Celery workers

Celery runs application jobs (Issue Tracker, Scanner integration, emails).

|CAM service (deprecated) |The CAM service is responsible for generating system graphs.

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