SD Elements 2023.4


In 2023.4, no breaking changes have been introduced, but there are some additional required values due to a new service being enabled.

Upgrade notes

  • The sc-cam service subchart is now enabled by default.

  • The default pod replacement strategy for some components has changed. Refer to Pod replacement strategy for more information.

  • Some pod default memory request limits were adjusted.

Pre-upgrade steps

Below are the changes an administrator of SD Elements should verify before attempting an upgrade to version 2023.4.

  • In your customization overlay files (e.g. values.yaml), ensure the following password values are set to new, randomized values:

     databasePassword: myCamDatabasePassword
     brokerPassword: myCamBrokerPassword

These values will be used by the CAM service to connect to the database and broker as it’s own user.

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