
As of SD Elements 2024.2, the container deployment is the only deployment model offered for self managed instances of SD Elements. See the Container Migration Guide for information on migrating your VM instance to a Kubernetes and the Container Deployment section for documentation on installing and maintaining an SD Elements container deployment.

This page provides information on special requirements or deviations from the normal SD Elements upgrade procedure when using sde-admin as your upgrade tool. For containerized upgrade notes, please look here.

Check for newer SD Elements releases

Retrieve a list of available application updates with the steps below.

  • Console or SSH access to the instance.

  • sde_admin user credentials (included in the sde and sde_admin groups).

  • Outbound HTTPS access to updates.sdelements.com.

  1. Access the SD Elements server console as a member of the sde_admin group.

  2. Run the following command:

    sde update --list

The process returns a list of available SD Elements releases.

Upgrade to a newer SD Elements release

Follow the steps below to upgrade a server to a later release of SD Elements.

  • Console or SSH access to the instance.

  • sde_admin user credentials (included in the sde and sde_admin groups).

  • Outbound HTTPS access to:

  • updates.sdelements.com

  • anvil.sdelements.com

  • tar.sdelements.com

  • pypi.sdelements.com

  1. Access the SD Elements server as a user with superuser privileges.

  2. Run the following command:

    sudo sde update

The process may take a few minutes as all OS and SD Elements updates are downloaded from the SD Elements server. If a newer release is detected, the upgrade will prompt the user before proceeding. The existing SD Elements release is left intact on the server until manually removed or purged with the sde command.

If an error occurs, or there is an unexpected result, the system will roll back to the "last known good" release.

Verify the version of Python after upgrading

Once you upgrade from SD Elements version 5.2 to 5.4 or 5.5, make sure you are using Python 3.

  1. Access the SD Elements server as a user with superuser privileges.

  2. Run the following command:

    hash -r
    sde version

Verify that the versions you are using resemble the following:

sde> Component Versions:
sde> sde_admin        -> 2.0.50
sde> python           -> 3.6.10
sde> sde              -> 5.4.30
sde> puppet           -> 4.10.12
If you are using Just-in-Time Training, you will also need to update JITT media to complement your SD Elements update.

SD Elements 2022.4

Pre-Upgrade Steps

Below are the changes an administrator of SD Elements should verify before attempting an upgrade to version 2022.4.

  • Ensure sde-admin is version 2.2.14 or higher. See instructions below.

  • If you are upgrading from a release older than 2022.3 (2022.2 or 5.x), please review the 2022.3 upgrade notes and be aware of those changes.

  • If you are on RHEL7 confirm your subscription status using sudo subscription-manager status. If you see any status besides current, please contact support@sdelements.com.

SD Elements 2022.3


Starting with 2022.3, systems will be upgraded automatically to Postgres 12.x during an SD Elements upgrade.

  • The PostgreSQL upgrade tool copies the entire database (and all SD Elements database instances) from a PostgreSQL 9 data directory to a PostgresSQL 12 data directory.

  • The SD Elements upgrade process will take longer than normal due to this database migration. Plan accordingly.

  • If you maintain a custom encryption configuration for Postgres, please contact support before you start your upgrade.

Pre-Upgrade Steps

Below are the changes an administrator of SD Elements should verify before attempting an upgrade to version 2022.3.

  • [IMPORTANT] Refresh upstream yum repository configuration by running sudo subscription-manager refresh from the command line.

  • Ensure unused SD Elements versions are removed using sde manage_releases as this will recover disk space and reduce overall upgrade time.

  • Ensure there is sufficient disk space to hold a copy of your Postgres data by running sudo du -sh /var/lib/pgsql/ and comparing that to available space using df -h.

  • Ensure a complete backup is created using sde backup create from the command line.

  • Ensure sde-admin is version 2.2.14 or higher. See instructions below.

sde-admin 2.2.14

Install/upgrade by running the following commands as root user:

user="$(grep -Po "(?<=^repo_user = )(.*)" /docs/sde/updater.cfg)"
encrypted_pass="$(grep -Po "(?<=repo_pass =\K) (.*)" /docs/sde/updater.cfg)"
fernet_key="$(cat /etc/sde/.encryption_key | base64 --decode)"
pass="$(python3.6 -c "import cryptography.fernet; print(cryptography.fernet.Fernet('${fernet_key}').decrypt('${encrypted_pass}'.encode()).decode())")"
umask 0002 && pip install --upgrade --force-reinstall sde-admin==2.2.14 --index="https://${user}:${pass}@pypi.sdelements.com/pulp/python/web/prod/simple/"

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