openssl s_client -connect [SD Elements or ALM URL]:443 <<<'' | openssl x509 -out /tmp/cacert.pem
If a user has the proper project permissions, any errors that occur
while running integration steps will display in the web interface. More
information about integrating with third-party systems can be found by adding -d
command-line arguments.
Trust a new TLS Certificate
Import a trusted CA certificate to the Windows Certificate Store by double-clicking it and following the Certificate Import Wizard.
Obtain a remote self-signed server certificate using openssl:
Manually add an SSL certificate into the system CA bundle by first determining your Linux distribution:
As a user for Centos/RHEL with sudo permissions, where your certificate exists as
:sudo cp /tmp/cacert.pem /etc/pki/ca-trust/source/anchors/ sudo update-ca-trust enable && sudo update-ca-trust extract
As a user for Ubuntu with sudo permissions, where your certificate exists as
:sudo apt-get install ca-certificates sudo cp /tmp/cacert.pem /usr/local/share/ca-certificates sudo update-ca-certificates --fresh
Disable TLS certification validation for ALM Integration:
python command_driver --sde_api_token=APIv2_CONNECTION_STRING --command_params='{"alm_validate_cert":"False"}'
Run a specific integration type for an ALM or scanner (where
is a database ID. This value is not shown on the Web UI, but you can find it in the project connection links):python command_driver --filter_connections=alm-## --sde_api_token=APIv2_CONNECTION_STRING
On an SDE Project > Integration page, there is a list of connections with a "Sync" button. Click the button to start syncing the tasks over to an ALM (such as Jira or Rally). Examine the links of each connection. These links have a form similar to:
When you find the integration you want to run, examine its URL. It should look similar to the one above.
Connect through a proxy
The Remote Integration Console can normally detect when it should connect through a proxy server. In cases where it cannot, you can follow the steps below:
Open "integrate.bat" in the application directory. By default it is located at:
C:\Users\YOUR-NAME\AppData\Local\Programs\SD Elements Remote Integration\integrate.bat
Add the proxy’s server and port to the top of the file:
SET https_proxy=
Before calling the "python" process, set the "https_proxy" environment variable to the proxy’s server and port:
export https_proxy=
Try HTTPS_PROXY if https_proxy does not give the desired behavior. If connecting over http to the server, replace https_proxy with http_proxy .
Bypass the proxy for certain hosts
When a proxy is configured, all connections flow through it. There are
situations when the Remote Integration Agent needs to connect through a proxy
to access SD Elements, but connect normally to an internal ALM server
). In this case, set the no_proxy
environment variable.
Open "integrate.bat" in the application directory. By default, it is located here:
C:\Users\YOUR-NAME\AppData\Local\Programs\SD Elements Remote Integration\integrate.bat
Add the following line using your internal server name (FQDN or IP):
SET no_proxy=internal.alm.server
Before calling the "python" process, set the "no_proxy" environment variable and include your internal server name (FQDN or IP):
export no_proxy=internal.alm.server
Try NO_PROXY if no_proxy does not give the desired behavior.
Add additional servers to the no_proxy setting by separating each FQDN or IP with a comma.
Schedule ongoing integration
The Remote Integration Agent relies on the Windows Task Scheduler for scheduled integration runs. During installation, the installer will prompt a user to automatically create Windows Task Scheduler entries for hourly, daily, weekly, or monthly frequencies.
By using the filtering options outlined above, it is possible to schedule ongoing integration to match the SD Elements user interface.
On Unix-like environments, the following crontab can be used to run jobs consistent with the UI. In the terminal type:
crontab -e
Then paste the following crontab:
# Hourly (On the hour) 0 * * * * [virtualenv path]/bin/python [virtualenv path]/bin/ command_driver --sde_api_token=APIv2_CONNECTION_STRING --filter_frequency=hourly > /path/to/output.log 2> /path/to/debug.log # Daily (1230) 30 0 * * * [virtualenv path]/bin/python [virtualenv path]/bin/ command_driver --sde_api_token=APIv2_CONNECTION_STRING --filter_frequency=daily > /path/to/output.log 2> /path/to/debug.log # Weekly (Mondays at 0130) 30 1 * * 1 [virtualenv path]/bin/python [virtualenv path]/bin/ command_driver --sde_api_token=APIv2_CONNECTION_STRING --filter_frequency=weekly > /path/to/output.log 2> /path/to/debug.log # Monthly (First of the month at 0230) 30 2 1 * * [virtualenv path]/bin/python [virtualenv path]/bin/ command_driver --sde_api_token=APIv2_CONNECTION_STRING --filter_frequency=monthly > /path/to/output.log 2> /path/to/debug.log
Update the paths to reflect the relevant locations.