General UI customizations

You can customize the following SD Elements user interface elements.

Add custom logos

Update the appearance of the SD Elements application with custom logos.

  • The user is a Super User.

  1. Log in to the SD Elements web application

  2. From the gear icon menu, select Theming.

  3. Click Choose File for the logo you wish to customize.

    • Header Logo: Is displayed on the top-left of the application banner.

    • Login Logo: Is displayed on the login page.

    • Reports Logo: Is displayed on the top of every HTML and PDF report.

  4. Click Save.

The application is updated with the new logo selections.

Rename UI strings

Certain application UI strings in SD Elements such as "Project", "Application", and "Release" can be renamed. A key denotes a UI element such as "project", "application", "release".

Follow the steps below to update these UI elements to a different value.

  • The user is a Super User.

  1. Log in to SD Elements using superuser credentials.

  2. From the Dashboard, navigate to the "System" menu and select "UI Customization".

  3. Update the JSON with the desired changes.

Table 1. Explanation of certain terms:
Term Description


This appears centered below the logo of the login screen.


This appears right-aligned below the "Login" title and above the "Email" field.


This replaces the "Email" field’s label.


This replaces the "Password" field’s label.


Custom login page subtitle message (can be HTML snippet).


Set this to "True" to hide the "Forgot Password" button in the Login page.

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