Project Countermeasures: more information

A project’s security requirements and Countermeasures are displayed on the Project Countermeasures page. Users can drill into each Countermeasure to learn more and action them.

There are two types of Countermeasures that can be present in a project:

  • Library Countermeasures

    • These Countermeasures are normally included based on the project survey, but can also be manually added to a project.

  • Project specific Countermeasures

    • These Countermeasures have limited details and can be manually added to a project.

Countermeasure List Changes/Updates

During the life of a project, the list of Countermeasures can change as Countermeasures are added or removed. Some Countermeasure list changes are immediate, and other changes require confirmation depending on what triggers the change.

Events causing immediate Countermeasure list updates:
  • A project member adding or removing a project-specific Countermeasure.

  • A project member manually adding or removing a Library Countermeasure.

  • A project member modifying the profile or answers to the project survey

Events requiring confirmation before Countermeasure list updates:
  • Content rules update: The rules governing when Weaknesses and Countermeasures are relevant to a project are changed. These rules can be updated by the content administrator or when a new version of SD Elements is released. Please refer to Project content updates for more information.

If a project is configured for Issue Tracker integration the list of Countermeasures are reflected in the other system when the sync runs next.

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